Should We Cross Over Jordan?

There’s a story in Numbers 32 that I find really interesting. The sons of Reuben and Gad told Moses they wanted to stay where they were and not cross over the Jordan to the land God had given them.

If you read the entire chapter, you find that they were willing to help conquer the land, but still wanted to stay on the other side of the Jordan River.

I can’t help but be curious why they would want to stay there, instead of moving ahead to what God had promised them.

I don’t know the answer for sure but it has me thinking about our lives today. I wonder if sometimes we can become complacent and too willing to just settle where we are. Maybe we have become comfortable and things are going pretty well so we are okay with staying “on this side of the Jordan River.”

But what if God has something more for us? What if there is something better out there? Do we really want to just settle for something that might be “second best”?

I don’t know about you, but I don’t ever want to settle! I want all God has for me, even it takes more work to get there! Let’s keep going and pressing on until we reach the Promised Land and receive all God has for us!

Dustin Jett