The Harvest is Past

There are so many verses in the Bible that encourage and uplift us. I love those verses!


But there are also verses that are very sobering. Jeremiah 8:20 is one of those verses. “Harvest is past, summer is ended, and we are not saved.”


Obviously, this is a passage from the Old Testament, but it really makes me stop and think. When we look around us, it is apparent that the world is not in a good place. There are wars breaking out and it seems like evil and corruption are everywhere we look.


While none of us know when Jesus will return for His church, we can be certain that we are closer to His coming today than we have ever been before.


All of us have people in our lives who need Jesus! I want to be more diligent about praying for them and sharing my faith than I have ever been before.


We don’t know for sure when the “harvest will be past.” But I do know that I want to share my faith with those around me and take as many people as I can to Heaven with me!

Dustin Jett