You Are Worth It

I read this in one of my devotional books: “…When I was nothing, He saw something and declared it good. Very good. And very loved.”

One of my very favorite songs says, “You thought I was worth saving.”

When you stop and think about this, it is totally incredible that the God of the universe, the God who flung the stars into space, would think that much of us!

Probably the greatest verse in all the Bible is John 3:16. It is the very cornerstone of our faith. Just to think that God would send His only Son to die for us while we were still sinners so that we could have eternal life!

When we were nothing, Jesus died for us because He loved us so much. But He doesn’t just leave us at nothing. He begins to work in our lives and to mold us into something beautiful that He can use for His glory!

Yes, you are worth it! Your Heavenly Father says so!

Dustin Jett