Mountains, Giants, and the Red Sea

I love the stories in the Bible. I believe as we read and study them, they can build our faith.

One of my favorite stories is when the children of Israel left Egypt and came to the Red Sea. They had finally escaped the cruelty of being slaves in Egypt only to come to a huge body of water, with no way to get across. And then it happened!

God parted the water and they walked across on dry ground. But what if the sea had not been there? They may have never known that God could actually part the water and turn the mud into dry land.

And what about David killing Goliath? If that had not happened would the army of Israel have known that their God could slay giants?

And if there had not been the storm on the Sea of Galilee, would the disciples have realized that Jesus could calm the storm?

What about you? What mountain, giant, or sea are you facing? Could it be that the mountain you are facing today is there to increase your faith in the God who can do the impossible, even move mountains? (Mark 11:23)

My challenge to you is this. Don’t look at your mountain. Look to your God who can do the impossible, whether it is moving mountains, parting the seas, killing giants, or calming the storm!

Dustin Jett