Not One!

“Not one of the good promises which the Lord has made to the house of Israel failed; all came to pass.” Joshua 21:45

What an incredible verse this is! I’m sure all of us try to keep our word. No one wants to let anyone down. But there may be times when it just happens. Maybe we say we will do something and something else comes up that makes it impossible. Or maybe we don’t mean to, but we just forget that we made a promise.

But to think that not even one of God’s promises ever failed! When God told the Israelites something would happen, it did!

And that’s the God we serve and have chosen to put our trust in.

When the enemy comes to us and whispers in our ears, that God has forgotten us and will not do what He said He would do, we can say right back to him, “Not one of the good promises the Lord has made has ever failed, not even one!”

We can stake our lives on that! And we can rest in the assurance that when God has made a promise to us, He always keeps His word.

Dustin Jett